The Spanish Placement exam tests students’ ability to recognize and to respond appropriately in Spanish with an educated speaker. Students should attempt ALL questions. The test contains items, starting with very basic usage, which becomes progressively challenging. Students have an hour to complete this exam. There are 60 multiple choice questions. Which assess students’ comprehension of Spanish in thee written and spoken forms, using the appropriate grammar.


The Spanish placement exam determines the students’ level of entry into the Spanish courses: Beginning, Functional, and College Level.


This exam assesses the students’ proficiency to communicate effectively in understanding and writing Spanish.


Students should demonstrate: reading, comprehension, and writing skills, both in common everyday situations, and in more particular/specific situations.

The Sacred Heart Junior College English Placement Test is an assessment instrument designed to determine students' academic skill level in reading and writing for appropriate placement into College English I (ENGL1004) . The test consists of two sections, a multiple choice section and an essay writing section. Both sections of the test are to be completed by all students. 90 minutes are allowed to complete section I and 75 minutes are allowed to complete section II.

Section I of the test is comprised of 50 multiple choice items worth 50 marks. This section will include reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, spelling, mechanics , usage, and sentence skills (structure, sentence completion and sentence combination). Section II of the test is comprised of an essay writing component worth 50 marks. This section will assess students' ability to write an essay that shows knowledge of content, organization, expression, grammar and mechanics. The entire test will be scored out of 100 marks. Students must earn a minimum of 35/50 points in section I and 35/50 points in section II of the test in order to place into College English 1(ENGL1004).

The SHJC Mathematics Placement Exam is designed to measure the usage and understanding of elementary mathematical concepts that serve as a foundation for intermediate and college level Mathematics.

The exam consists of 50 multiple choice questions. All questions must be attempted. The estimated time of completion for this exam is 1 hour 30 minutes. A non-programmable scientific calculator is allowed.

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